Monday, 26 November 2012


I think quite a lot of people believe coffee is unhealthy, however, it is actually quite the opposite. I started drinking coffee last spring since I learned how many benefits it actually has and how it can lower the risk for a list of diseases. We talked often about coffee on the herb course I took (did I ever mention I finished - and passed it about a month ago by the way?) and looked at many interesting research articles that showed how good coffee actually is. It can be dangerous to drink too much but 3-5 coffee cups per day is a good dose for preventing a lot of diseases. Here are a few benifits:

  • To put it simple - Coffee is good for the digestion. Coffee stimulates the production of gastrin and CCK which are digestive hormones. Gastrin stimulates the production of gastric acid (which stimulates production of other digestive hormones as well that has other benefits) which stimulates growth of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small intestine and colon. CCK will help the gallbladder to release bile (so that it can release toxins from the liver as well as digest fat) and it makes the intestines motility work better. 
  • Coffee intake is associated with lower rates of liver disease progression in chronic hepatitis C
  • An increased consumption of coffee may reduce the risk of liver cancer
  • Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants (reduces oxidative stress etc.)
  • Lower risk for heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes and infections (N Engl J Med. 2012 Jul 19:367(3):285)
If you don't have a gallbladder then coffee is not that good to drink because of the increased production and release of bile.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Health research

Many interesting articles this time!

Should we revise how calories are measured?

The current method of measuring the calorie content of foods could be flawed, says Professor Martin Wickham of Leatherhead Food Research.
Vitamin D backed to boost diabetic heart disease risk

Low levels of vitamin D may be responsible for the increased risk of heart disease among diabetic people developing clogged up arteries, according to new research.
Green tea extract shows potential sperm benefits: Lab study

Extracts from green tea may boost the quality of sperm, says a new study from Italy, but there too much of the extract may confer a negative effect.
Do organic beat conventional vegetables for immune system support?

Organically grown carrots may stimulate the immune system, with ‘more’ organic carrots have more of an effect, says a new study that adds to the debate on the health benefits of organic produce.
'Our probiotic science will lead to an EFSA health claims approval': DuPont VP of marketing

Recent studies using DuPont’s HOWARU strain combination, combined with a better understanding of ‘the rules of the game’, will lead to positive health claims in Europe, DuPont’s Scott Bush has confidently predicted.
Probiotics may help cut body fat levels: RCT data

Daily probiotic yogurt consumption may improve energy metabolism and reduce body fat levels by up to 4%, say results of a placebo-controlled, double-blind cross-over clinical trial in Canada.
Pycnogenol shows benefits for asthmatics: Study

Daily supplements of the French Maritime Pine bark extract Pynogenol may improve symptoms of asthma, according to results of a clinical trial. 
Probiotics may ease eczema for children: RCT data

Daily supplements of the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum CJLP133 may improve eczema in children, says a new study from South Korea.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Jame Oliver talks about the importance of eating healthy

I don't remember if I've posted this video before but if I have, it's worth posting again.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Best start of a Swedish November ever!

November in Sweden is known for being a month that we'd rather just skip.. It's when we are starting to wonder if "summer" is an illusion, the sun ignores us and it's already in the beginning of the month completely dark outside at around 4 pm (with another 1½ months left when it's getting darker and darker for every day).

BUT! I am actually thankful for November, and the rest of the winter. Sure, we have long, dark winters but I don't know anyone that appriciates the spring and the summer better than Scandinavians. And the darkness is really nice too in it's own way. I mean, who would want to have Lucia in the sun?

Our course finished last week and we got a few days off before our next course that starts today. I think we wrote about 11 different papers on the last course, plus a bunch of other stuff, so it has been intense. Writing has always been my weak point so I'm glad I got to practice it. From today, we are going to learn about accounting and calculations which I am super excited about! It has been (VERY) nice to have a few days off but I can't go too many days off without missing school and all it's crazyness. Something that makes it even more fun is that I finally have lights on my bike! :D

Our church had our annual youth conference this weekend and one of my very good friends from Iceland came with his youth group. I went to bible school with him 6 years ago so I haven't seen him in 5 years so it was very emotional to see him again!

The application to an exchange year in America is almost done now as well.. Only half that applies gets to go so I don't know if I'll be able to go but I think I have a good chance. My first "dream" choice has, for two years now, been University of Texas in Austin. I looked through all the american Universities I can apply to and this one was also the one with the best nutrition courses! So we'll see hopefully in a few weeks what happens with that.

Hopefully I get to write more about nutrition very soon here :)