Saturday, 10 December 2011


It feels pretty good when it comes to the upcoming exam. I have studied quite a lot on it already so I decided that I will NOT study today (even though I'm a few hours short on my goal of 8 hours per day). It feels weird.. a whole saturday without studying! But I think it's a good decision as there is so many other things that needs to get done.

I started off the day with running - with some extra socks it actually works pretty good still even though it's getting colder. The rest of the day will consist of cleaning, fika with a friend, cleaning, cleaning (planning to go through some in the kitchen to prepare for christmas and throw away old foods, something that I've looked forward to for a while) and working on a cookbook I was suppose to be done with in March!

And also - a girl asked me more specific why the hormones in milk products are bad. I think that's a great question and I couldn't answer it as I wanted to. The professor (Stig B) that I got the information about the milk from, has now emailed me a couple of articles concerning this so my plan is to hopefully go through those today and write here on the blog about it.

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