Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Happy easter! (the easter card we got from the kids on our street)

I haven't been online that much lately, first because of easter but my exam is also coming up in a week and I'm sure I'll do good on it but I still feel less prepared for this one then all my other ones in the past. I easily do to much and get to ambitious so after my last exam I've been taking school just a little bit less serious to be able to stress down and actually have a life outside of it. I defently still take it serious but am just trying to understand that school is not the most important thing in the world.

So, the phytotherapist course/education I'm taking is starting next week as well - three days after my exam. It's funny (or maybe not) but I found out a week or two ago that we will have 5 big books and three documents that are on around 300-400 pages each for this course. Did I mention this is suppose to be a course on the side of my other fulltime studies? But God is good and the course is starting with things I already know and then my normal school is slowing down (only 6 days left in school after the exam!!) and I'll have a lot ot time this summer to get ahead and read by myself before the second part of the course starts after summer.

Speaking of summer, I'm so excited because I don't work at the airport anymore ( = no more getting up at 2.55 am) and all the work I'm going to do will be at my dads buisness ( = which means it's very flexible and I can do it whenever I want and also decide when I want to have vacation/days off) and all the studying I'm going to do will be distance, which also means more flexibility! So I can pretty much decide exactly how I want to organize the summer. That feels like a huge blessing after the lasts summers. God is SO good and I'm so blessed!

Hmm, what else can I write that gives me time away from my studies lol :D

Oh yeah, I can tell you about the desserts I made last friday. Don't mind the second one on the right, I should have turned it around and pretended that they were all perfect (hiding another 5 in the freezer that didn't look as good), but hey, it was good practice! I made mango parfait with the chocolate around it and chocolate italian meringue and raspberries on top. The things on the side are raspberry sorbet and black currant sorbet with white chocolate. It took almost the whole day but it was so much fun! In the evening, my friend from school and his girl came and also my other friend who went to India the next morning (he is going to move there and take care of our bibleschool there). We had a lot of fun!

Before I have to go back to my studies, it snowed yesterday. Is that even legal?

Here is a picture of black currants from our garden from last summer (and no, I guess it doesn't have a purpose in this post but they are pretty and I miss them):

AND last but defently not least! Me and mom has booked tickets to go see Paul Simon this summer (from Simon & Garfunkel). You have no idea of how excited I am! I normally don't care about concerts but I mean, Paul Simon!!!!!!!

Okay now I have to be diciplined again and study about what's happening in the chicken when it dies.

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