Thursday, 17 May 2012

Ginkgo (herb)

I got a good feeling yesterday when I was thinking about that it's only 2 more weeks on this semester in school! - until I remembered that my summer course which I'm taking "just for fun" (I have to keep my reputation of being a nerd right?) starts in 3 weeks.. Oh well..

My church has a spring seminar this weekend which I really want to go to but I can't cause I'm having my phyto course in Stockholm this weekend. This time it will be about the liver, gallbladder, kidneys/urinary bladder and the skin. I'm really excited as it was sooooo good last time. Not as excited for the test we have though.. :/ I'll post a summary of the weekend later.

But now a little bit about ginkgo!

Ginkgo is widening arteries, stimulates the blood circulation and inhibits platelet collection. It is anticonvulsant and an antioxidant. It highers the tolerance for free radicals and the tendency of the blood to clot reduces.. 

Ginkgo contains a lot of positive substances but also one that is harmful but they normally take out the harmful substance so you won't get any serious side effects if you would take normal doses. 

That was short I guess but still interesting. You can buy these in different ways, personally I have capsules of these right now as I did a blood analysis last week and they could see there that my thrombocytes clot up more than they should so we'll see if it'll help. He also said that this is why I love running so much - because it helps the thrombocytes to not clot. I think I'd love running otherwise anyways though.. The picture is from my blood analysis. The circles are erytrocytes (red blood cells) and the big thing there is my thrombocytes that has "clot up" or whatever you'd say in english..

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