Saturday, 25 June 2011


I don't remember where I heard/read this, as I've been reading/listening on a lot about nutrition at different places lately, but apperently fasting makes the bad cells in your body die. Cells that could be developed into something that would make you sick etc. Obviously it's also good for other reasons, like as it's cleaning out toxics from your body.

I was planning to do a fast/detox after my trip to Dallas, but now I've been home 2 weeks and forgot to do it. But now it's time, or soon :) Was thinking about doing a 2-3 days fast, and then another 7-8 days of only organic vegetables, fruits and berries. So a cleanse/detox for a total of about 10 days, so I then can take my healthy life to another level and start living more healthy after that. Was planning to have an organic month in July to see if I would feel any difference or not... So if you have any tips on the fast/detox, let me know! This is my first time doing this for health reasons so ideas/tips for it would be great!

Otherwise my day has been good! Realized I'm so much more friendly to american customers.. Can't help it. I love them. Had a swedish customer that lives in Texas, that defently made me wanna go there right away.
Running's hasn't been good the last weeks. I need a new goal with it, or maybe switch to another exercise type for a while, maybe rollerblades.


  1. Take a look at the Master Cleanse. I have done it once for 10 days and about to start it again! We could do it together, and encourage each other thru facebook haha. But its a really good one but tough. Read into it!

  2. I've thought about it but I think it's a bit too extreme for me to start with... Maybe later on when I've done it a few times :D

  3. Intressant! Jag skulle också vilka rensa ur kroppen på nått sätt, frågan är dock om jag klarar en detox/fasta på det sättet. Om man ska "mjukstarta" hur ska man göra då?

    /Jossan (f.d. klasskompis med Sanna)

  4. Jossan! Jag har inte så mycket erfarenhet av det här men det beror väl på hur du äter nu.. Men pröva dig fram! En bra mjukstart kan nog vara att äta bara ekologiska grönsaker/frukter/bär i 3-4 dagar. Det tror jag du klarar!
