Have now read another chapter in the book I've been talking about. Man.. it's so interesting! I don't know if I believe in all of it (yet) but I have decided to try it myself to see how it effects me. For you who don't know what it's promoting, it's about the LCHF diet (low carb, high fat).
I'm working a lot the coming weeks now and it will be hard to do a fast while working so I've decided to postpone my fast to later on this summer. I will still do the detox (only raw, organic vegetables/fruits/berries) for a week or 1½, depending on if I'll be able to work properly. After that, I've decided to do about a month with the LCHF diet. Not to loose weight but to see how it's effecting me. I want to see if I stay fuller for a longer time than I do with the food I eat now. But I also want to do it as I've heard so many good stories of other people that are eating like this and as I will be starting studying nutrition soon, I know the LCHF will come up many times and it could be good to have some personal experience of it. And if I don't think it works, then fine, but it's worth a try I think. One of my concerns are the hormons that they have in butter/meat etc. I will start with the detox latest monday next week.
There's a couple of things from the 3rd chapter I want you to know (page 51):
The 8th of Feb 2006, a big study from America got publiced. It had cost 700 million american dollars and its duration was 8 years. They did it to prove that fat was bad to eat. 50 000 women got divided into 2 groups, where one half continued living as usual and the other half ate much less fat and started eating more fruit and vegetables and also started exercising more. The result was that the 2nd half (non-fat eating group) did NOT get healthier. They didn't get less cancer, nor less heart diseases! AND the people that already had problems with their heart got even sicker!! The diet with less fat increased the heart diseases with 26 %!
Another thing (Page 55-56). There has only been smaller studies where they say that fat is bad for you. Three scientific/investigator groups decided to look through ALL these studies.
The first one was led by Andrew Mente and its result got publiced April 2009. The result was very obvious - there was not enough evidence that the total of intake of fat, meat, egg and milk had anything to do with heart diseases.
The second one was a big raport from WHO (World Health Organization) and got publiced September 2009. It showed the same result, that people that eat less fat does not get healthier.
The third group got publiced January 2010 in the magasin "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition". They also got the same result.
And one more thing (Page 57). During the 2000's, the obesity in Sweden has stopped increasing and our children (and it says maybe even our women) are becoming smaller again. Sweden is most likely the first country where this has happen. This makes me so excited and priviligated to study nutrition here (if I get in ;)!
E de Annika Dahlgrens eller han skaldeman? Det är garanterat bra att äta LCHF iaf om man är diabetiker ditt blodsocker kommer ligga väldigt lågt. Jag tror de e socker o snabba kolhydrater som e det stora problemet inte fettet :)
ReplyDeleteBoken heter Matrevolutionen och författaren heter Andreas Eenfeldt. Håller med dig!
ReplyDeleteLäste inte hela, men enligt dietister så slår LCHF helt ut den ämnesomsättning som du byggt upp hittills.(metabolism) den kanske gör dig mättare men med allt fett liggandes i dina vener riskerar du en hjärtattack vilket tydligen är en utav de vanligare symptomen - som min bror fick.
ReplyDeleteDu behöver allt fullkorn för att rensa ut överblivet fett i dina vener.i know you know it! :)
Man behöver inte prova allt för att vara säker på att det är dåligt för en :)
Till Clara. Jag håller med till viss del. Dels så håller dietisterna på livsmedelsverket.. och det finns MYCKET dom har fel på.
ReplyDeleteSen tror jag inte på lchf då dom säger att man kan äta så otroligt mycket mättat fett och jag tror där problemet är. Det jag ska pröva är istället mindre kolhydrater och mycket mer fleromättat fett. Det är inte bra att äta för mycket animaliskt fett (grädde osv). Men jag tror dom har vissa bra synpunkter men verkligen inte att det här är den ultimata dieten, så kommer inte äta så extremt som dom säger. Fullkorn får man i sig massa med den här kosten om man äter mkt grönsaker/linfrön osv. Så det ska inte va något problem :)
Kram på dig :)
Hur skulle fullkornet rensa ut fett från venerna?
ReplyDeleteAnimaliskt fett blir mjukt i rumstemperatur, hur skulle det då kunna kleta fast i kärlen?
Det som händer är att när man äter kolhydrater som höjer blodsockret blir kärlen retade och då fastnar det dåliga kolesterolet (som sänks vid intag av mättat fett).
Fullkorn är till för tarmen, ej venerna