Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Blood test and roads made of ice

I was excited about the +4 C that it was suppose to be today so I could run. But those plans are impossible now as the roads are (pretty much) just ice today. I drove to the store (it was an emergency, we were out of fermented vegetebles) and I don't remember any time when it has been this slippery. It probably has been many times but it was still crazy. I even read in the newspaper that there are so many accidents today due to this so the hospital had to call more people in to take care of everyone.
So if you are still planning to go out - be careful, drive max 12 km/h, don't touch the accelerator when turning and start hitting the break like 1 km before you need to stop.

I've also been to the vårdcentralen (however you would translate that) as I've been more tired than what is normal so they took a few blood tests - which is so much more fun now by the way when I can actually understand what tests they are taking! TSH, T4, serum ferritin and so on..Yay! Haha

They also took an EKG and saw that my pulse was 41... Which is quite low as I haven't actually been working out THAT much since last summer. Not enough to get my pulse down to 41 at least. And my blood pressure was also a little bit low around 105 through something. And that should be around 120. But I normally have low blood pressure so for me it's normal and not a problem. Quite the opposite I guess as I'm far away of getting high blood pressure :) Bring me the salt!

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