Saturday, 31 March 2012

Cooking and running..

The weather was much nicer later on today so I decided to run after all. A couple of the kids on the street wanted to join me, which they did for a short bit but then I continued by myself. And I'm so happy I decided to run because it was the best run this year - 17 km pretty much without stopping (obviously we stopped a few times when the kids and I ran). So now I have 941,7 km left this year. I'm so happy for it because that means that my health is FINALLY getting better! God is SO good!

I decided to take a picture of my breakfast today for you non swedes that thinks that fish for breakfast is weird :) I was laughing because I understand most people would think my breakfast is really weird - mackerel, fermented vegetables, goji berries, pecan nuts and pumpkin seeds! You should try it, it taste awesome! :D

Me and my sister has also been cooking lots of food for hours today - which means that I'm even more behind with school now but at the same time, I won't "have to" cook for a while now so then I can study more. And now I'm off to clean and then work in the garage to making pills.

Is it only me or was this "spring/summer" a little bit shorter than it usually is?
I guess there will be some fermented vegetebles done instead of running today.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Health links

Vitamin D supplements may help you live longer: Study

Vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and boost survival for older people, suggests a new analysis.

Berry juices show anti-inflammatory and heart health benefits

Lingonberry, cranberry and blackcurrant juices may reduce compounds that promote inflammation, suggests new data that supports a role for the berries to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Curcumin may have Parkinson's promise: Study

Intake of the tumeric spice curcumin could help to reduce clumping of proteins associated with the onset of Parkinson’s disease, according to new research.

Beetroot juice may lower blood pressure: Pilot study

Consuming beetroot juice or beetroot-enriched bread may reduce blood pressure due to the high nitrate content of the vegetable, says a new study from the UK.

Coffee poses no threat to hearts, may reduce diabetes risk: EPIC data 

The consumption of coffee does not increase the risk of heart disease and may reduce the risk of developing diabetes by up to 30%, says results of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.

Stig Bengmark on TV

Both my dad and my teacher told me about that Stig was on TV. I haven't seen it yet but am planning on seeing it later on today..

You can see it here and it starts right by the first break, 19 minutes in. He talks about gluten and wheat and how it makes us sick.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Watch it

About health and nutrition. See the movie for free here:

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Bibleverse about food

1 Tim 4:2b-5

... these liars will forbid people to marry or to eat certain foods. But God created these foods to be eaten with thankful hearts by his followers who know the truth. Everything God created is good. And if you give thanks, you may eat anything. What God has said and your prayer will make it fit to eat.

Reminder for myself to always thank God for the food he gives me.. :)

Monday, 26 March 2012

This summer + some thoughts

In case I haven't mention this yet; I'm not going to Israel this summer after all for a few reasons. Can't wait for the day I can finally go....

Right now I'm looking into spending 4-5 weeks in Oklahoma with Whitley instead but it's still in the planning stage so we'll see. As my summer course is distance, I could just do it over there.

Otherwise, school is taking up too much time as usual. I wonder if I will be like one of those that gets an education and never really use it but does other things in life.. I really hope I will be able to use it and I'm sure I will but what I mean is that I feel so strong in my heart that I want to for example be a stay at home mom while my kids are young (as I've mentioned a million times), go out on missions and "save the world"! God put so much on my heart when I got saved and I'm so excited for Him to fulfill all those things.

I wonder sometimes what I would have done if God didn't save me.. First, I don't even believe I would be alive. I can't picture a life without God. He has given me the greatest love, help, restoration etc..

There's one bibleverse that describes a part of the calling I believe God has given me:

1 Tim 5:10
... and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

The cake is done!

I can't believe this is my third post about this cake. You might think I don't have better things to do in life.. Well, I'm excited because I love baking and I haven't really been baking that much the last 3-4 years. I'm also getting a little bit sick of reading, reading and reading so baking a cake which took 5½ hours was a great break! :)

So here it is! It doesn't really look like the picture from the cook book (see 2 posts ago) but considering that it caused a fire in the oven this morning (see last post), I think it turned out pretty good!

Hardest cake ever

I think this is the hardest cake I've ever made.. After 4 hours and one fire, the cake is in the freezer now and tonight I will finish it.

To make up for the burned cake picture; here's a couple of pictures from mine and Whitley's walk this morning. So beautiful!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Back to baking!

This is a gluten free chocolate/vanilla/pistachio cake that I'm going to do for my dads birthday on Sunday. It takes two days to do so I'm starting today. I love those cakes that it takes days to do, they are so much fun :)

Running update: 968,8 km left

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Food revolution

Watch this video! Jamie Oliver speaking about why what we eat is so important. It's a really really good video!

Monday, 19 March 2012

How do I get away the virus?

I want to get rid of that virus that keeps viewing my blog. How do I do that????

Back from England

Me and Whitley came back from England today. We spent most of the time in London but also a few hours in Birmingham to see my best friend Nandi. It has been a really great weekened. We stayed with my friend Brooke who took us to some really amazing things. We climed St. Pauls, went to an exhirbition about Queen Elizabeth, ate at a REALLY fancy sushi place and another place where we had a really amazing gospel lunch. And much much more. We also went to Hillsong with Erik. He has agreed to go through all my blog posts and help me correct my english! :D And then this morning we landed in a snowy Sweden... Back to reality now and back to study.

Whitley and me

The view from the apartment we stayed at, you can see both Big Ben and the London eye


View from a restaurant we went to


Whitley and me

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Bye bye arlanda

Tomorrow I'm returning my badge to Arlanda.. No more working there :)

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


So that "american" that I told you about before, that has viewed my blog around 700 times since 20th of february... When I go into the traffic sources at the statistics, I get to places that seems to be pop up pages, or some kind of virus. Would it be possible that it's not actually a person who is viewing my blog but that it's a virus? Maybe a stupid question but I just don't think that it's a person behind those 700 views.. What do you think?


I've been sick for about 3,5 weeks so haven't been able to run at all.. But today I felt better so now I'm down to 984,8 km left for this year to reach my 1000 km goal with not including the running before Feb 18th or whenever it was I decided it. It is so nice to run now when it's sun!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

More fermenting

Me and dad made these fermented vegetables, two today and two a few days ago. They are made of:

1. Cauliflower, broccoli and radish
2. Carrots and swedes
3. Beets, parsnips and fennel
4. White cabbage

Now I just have to wait a few weeks then they will be ready :) Yummi!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

I quit my job today

I FINALLY quit my job at the airport today! I like it but it's ofcourse not a job you want to stay at the rest of your life. I was in total of about 8 stores at the airport and some where good and some were not so good.. The one I was at since last summer has been great.. Anyways, I have waited for the day when I quit and it finally arrived! Now  I just have to return my badge and the clothes on friday when I'm going there anyways as I'm going to London then.

Otherwise, I've been cooking for about 6 hours today. It's my moms birthday so I did starters, main course and a cake. It was fun!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Summer course

I have now applied for a summer course in environmental issues, climate change etc.. I believe those things are very important to think about when working with food so I'm excited about the course and to learn more.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


I haven't been blogging that much lately. I have things to write and I've been especially excited about writing about turmeric but it has been to many other things to do. I want to go back to writing more about nutrition again. I mean that is the point of this blog, not to just update you on my life. But for you who wants an update, here is a few:

Had a chicken lab in school today. It was fun and we got to try several chicken dishes that were really good.

Someone from the states has now viewed my blog around 500 times the last 1½ week. It's weird and I don't even have 500 posts to see so if you read this - let me know who you are. And maybe stop?

I gave up on letting my bangs grow out so I went to the hairdresser 3 days ago and cut it. I wasn't really happy about how she cut the rest of the hair but that's not really a big problem. I'll just have to be more clear of how I want it next time I guess. Picture will come soon.

I have decided to quit my job at the airport. It's too stressful during the summers and I will focus on working on dads companies instead and maybe I'll do a summer course. If anyone knows of a distance summer course in ecology - let me know.

And tomorrow we are going to visit a butchery. Interesting huh ;)

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Why I'm now against LCHF - read this!

Stig Bengmark wrote an article in a newspaper against the low carb - high fat diet:

"The LCHF guy"/kostdoktorn (nutrition doctor) then wrote this:

The last guy wrote that S. Bengmark has been retired a few decades. Well, it says on the link that Andreas (lchf guy) put on his post that S. Bengmarks retirement is most likely to take a long time (to happen) - pensionen lär dröja!

As I have mentioned several times before, S. Bengmark is working at the University of London where he goes through new studies 8-10 hours per day - so he is defently well updated.

I don't believe that Livsmedelsverket are right either, but I still rather eat as livsmedelsverket than LCHF, if I had to choose. I personally believe that the "stone age diet" and the mediterranean diet are healthy. 

Here are a few points why I don't believe LCHF is right:

  • The body isn't made for LCHF as it tears on the body when it has to use protein to transform glucose and some cells has to have glucose such as nerv cells and blood cells. 
  • The ones who speaks for LCHF are not being honest as they show research that is on a moderat intake of carbohydrates (around 30-40 E%) but they say it was a low carb diet.
  • They don't care that much about intakes of vitamines, antioxidants, minerals, HOW you cook the food (heating, frying etc that are producing substances that can give cancer but also AGE/ALE which gives inflammation in the body and from the inflammation - a list of other diseases). For example they say bacon is great - but first, pig has been shown to be unhealthy and if you also fry it then a lot of unhealthy substances will be produces. For LCHF it's all about carbs vs fat. It is far more complicated than that and many other aspects you need to consider.
  • They only show peoples blood lipids (cholesterol etc)  in general and the blood glucose after a meal and in general. It would be interesting to see how the inflammation looks like in the body and how the blood lipids looks like right after a meal (which would be very high), oxidative stress etc etc.. They are very narrow in these things and only cares about certain tests even though some other ones would be very important to check as well. There are sooo many more things you can test than just blood glucose!
  • The examples they are normally taking are fat diabetics. Their blood sugar will OFCOURSE be better when they don't eat anything that highers the insuline - but it's still not a healthy diet! There is so much more to health than your insuline
  • They also say that meat and milk products are good to eat - which has been shown to be unhealthy in many many studies.
  • It's bad for our planet. Even though they say that you don't have to eat meat or other foods that would be bad for the planet, I still haven't met a single person that eats LCHF that takes those things away.
  • They never speak about all those people that has tried it and gained weight or gotten sicker. So why can they not be self critical in these things if they believe that they are so right and everyone else are wrong?
 I'm sure there are so many more things to mention but these are the things that I was thinking about right now. One thing that I believe they are right in though is that it's not healthy with "fast carbs" such as sugar, white rice, bread and so on.