Monday, 19 March 2012

Back from England

Me and Whitley came back from England today. We spent most of the time in London but also a few hours in Birmingham to see my best friend Nandi. It has been a really great weekened. We stayed with my friend Brooke who took us to some really amazing things. We climed St. Pauls, went to an exhirbition about Queen Elizabeth, ate at a REALLY fancy sushi place and another place where we had a really amazing gospel lunch. And much much more. We also went to Hillsong with Erik. He has agreed to go through all my blog posts and help me correct my english! :D And then this morning we landed in a snowy Sweden... Back to reality now and back to study.

Whitley and me

The view from the apartment we stayed at, you can see both Big Ben and the London eye


View from a restaurant we went to


Whitley and me

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