Friday, 30 March 2012

Health links

Vitamin D supplements may help you live longer: Study

Vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and boost survival for older people, suggests a new analysis.

Berry juices show anti-inflammatory and heart health benefits

Lingonberry, cranberry and blackcurrant juices may reduce compounds that promote inflammation, suggests new data that supports a role for the berries to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Curcumin may have Parkinson's promise: Study

Intake of the tumeric spice curcumin could help to reduce clumping of proteins associated with the onset of Parkinson’s disease, according to new research.

Beetroot juice may lower blood pressure: Pilot study

Consuming beetroot juice or beetroot-enriched bread may reduce blood pressure due to the high nitrate content of the vegetable, says a new study from the UK.

Coffee poses no threat to hearts, may reduce diabetes risk: EPIC data 

The consumption of coffee does not increase the risk of heart disease and may reduce the risk of developing diabetes by up to 30%, says results of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.

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