Thursday, 7 July 2011

End of detox, it didn't really go as I thought :)

First of all, thank you for beliving in me when I said I would do the 2-3 days of fasting and another 7 or so days of detox. I laugh at myself now, thinking I would be able to complete that! "Obviously" I didn't :) And also during a period when I work a lot! I did about 3,5 days but as my work has been quite crazy, I felt that I had to eat something else as well because I wouldn't be able to function at work otherwise. I work at the airport and as it's summer, "everyone" is travelling now so it has been really stressful at work.
But I'm okay with it, I still got a good first time detox and now im on lchf to try that. Or should I say my own version of it (no pig etc). So I went from this:

To this:

I go to a gym here in Uppsala that I really like. It's cheap, but still good and I have many friends who goes there. BUT they have closed down the weight lifting section to renovate it during the whole summer (3 whole months!) which didn't really make me happy as the last 3 months before they closed it, I pretty much only did weight lifting and loved it and planned on continue with it. I will continue when they open again in the end of August, but obviously a 3 month break isn't the ideal when you want to build some muscles. I thought it was funny though because if you wanted to freeze your gym card during this time, you had to pay them money. I didn't think that was fair (as they are the ones who closes it, and also told us only 3 weeks ahead) but I still did it. But the funny part is that now they are changing their mind and they have written on their website that OFVIOUSLY we shouldn't have to pay for that, so we will get those money back. I bet they got a lot of complaints. Anyways, I miss my gym so much and I can't wait for 23rd of August when I can go there again!


  1. Å, ska bli kul att höra hur det går för dig med LCHF, verkar vara så många som gillar det, men de flesta klarar det bara i en period.

    Man kan ju annars alltid gå på skivstångspass :)

  2. Det har du rätt i! Fast däremot så passar ju inte tiderna för passen inte alltid då dom inte är lika många under sommaren heller.. men men! då får man passa på att vara ute och cykla och springa istället!

    Ja, det ska bli intressant o se hur det går :)
