Sunday, 10 July 2011

Proof that low carb diet works

I got about half way through the book I'm reading (look further down in my blog about it). It's extremly interesting. I was pretty skeptical in the beginning but I'm getting more and more positive the more I'm reading as he is giving facts and resluts from a lot (!) of studies. And he shows how old studies has actually not been correctly done, or they have actually not shown that a low fat diet is good, but still that's what we've learned. You have to read the book! I don't think it is available in english but I've decided to ask the author if they can translate it into english, so who knows!

He shows list after list of studies that has been made the last 10-12 years ago (or around that number) and they all show the same thing - low carb, high fat diet is better for you when it comes to weight, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure, people with diabetes get better (some get totally healed when starting eating like this), stomach problems goes away etc, etc. I also heard that (not from the book, can't remember where from) that with this diet, you don't get cavity in your teeth and also less colds. Bacterias likes sugar so it make sense. They've also made studies where they saw that people with heart problems got better and the people with a low fat diet got more heart problems.

So how has it been for me since I started 4 days ago? I really think it's going great! My main purpose wasn't loosing weight but I can defently feel my belly getting smaller. Before my stomach was "swollen" if you understand what I mean, when it feels like its like a ballon and something isn't right. That has gone away too. I was a bit afraid that I would gain a lot of weight eating this because it feels sooo weird eating fat cheese with butter on when I get hungry but I still haven't gained any. But it's only been 4 days so it's defently too early to see how the real effect will be. I'm still not 100 % convinced yet but the book has for sure changed my mindset about food.

Another thing that really make sense is how so many americans are obese and I've never seen anywhere where "everything" is fat free or with low fat. We eat so much more fat in Sweden and as I've mention before, the obesity in Sweden is actually decreasing!

For you who want to read it, it's called Matrevolutionen av Andreas Eenfeldt. Enjoy!


  1. Ja LCHF är så intressant, jag blir taggad på att testa själv men är lite besvärligt när jag äter det som finns att få från familjens kylskåp för tillfället. Men många säger att det funkar så bra så jag borde ju testa någon gång!
