Tuesday, 26 July 2011

my passion for running

I love running.. It feels so wonderful to especially be out in the sun in the morning and run for at least an hour.. It has been a few weeks now since I ran though, mainly because of lack of energy but also, in one way, I'm getting a little bit sick of it as I've been running quite a lot the last year and a half. I think I'll have to take a break from running and do other things for a while but I'm still really looking forward when I'll start again.
Today I was listening on the radio and a song came up that I normally listen to when I run and it's sooo hard to sit still when I hear those songs! I've tried taking walks with my mp3 player (no iphone here ;) but I normally end up running as I can't resist it and then I'll just get sweaty in my normal clothes so that's not really a good idea.
Running is really something addicting. I hated it before I had really given it a try, but as I continued, I started to love it.. So maybe you will as well? :)
4 more weeks till my gym opens again!!!!


  1. I totally understand, i have such a hard time just going on walks now. lol I always just want to break into a run. I took a break for a few weeks but I'm back and I just love it! Only 18 days left and I will be there, and i cannot wait to go to the gym with you girls! SO EXCITED!

  2. I love walks, but have a hard time talking walks with my running music in my ears :)
    We can't wait to have you here either! :)
