Vitamin E can also be put into different groups (8). They are good antioxidants as they react with the free radicals. They also “protect” vitamin A and D and polysaturated fats for the same reason I just mentioned (free radicals) – but then the vitamin (E) gets destroyed. This is the reason why they are having vitamin E in hand creams – to protect it from getting bad… so the vitamin is not there to “help your hands” in some way, its only purpose is to be a preservative for the cream.
We absorb about 50-89 % of the vitamin and it absorbs in the same way as fat – which means that you need bile acids for it. We store about a couple of grams in our bodies.
We need vitamin E for our cell membranes (the “walls” of the cell), immune system, nervous system and much more.
Our intake needs to increase as we increase our intake of polysaturated fats – but things that contains this fat normally also contains more vitamin E.
It is not very common that people get an overdose of vitamin E – but it can happen as it is a fat-soluble vitamin.
You can find this vitamin in (for example) vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, seeds, sprouts and more.
Sources: Näringslära för högskolan
Sources: Näringslära för högskolan
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