Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The mondays lecture - very interesting!

It was a great lecture two days ago with the nutritionist I always speak about. It was a pretty simple message but still good. He is one of the top swedish nutritionists and has done a lot of research himself so I know that he knows alot. He had two lectures with a total of 1400 people, Im guessing ours were around 900 ppl. Here are a few things he mentioned:

There are a lot of hidden nutrient shortage (is that how you say it?). Mainly because:
  • We don't drink enough water
  • We eat an unbalanced diet (mostly eating the same things all the time) with too little vegetables and fruits
  • The diet is often not containing the vitamines and minerals it had before (im guessing around 50 years ago or so)
  • Irregular meal times
  • Bad function of the stomachic-intestinal canal
  • Not enough knowledge about dietary supplements and wrong advices
We need to eat:
  • Good ingredients
  • Avoid prefabricated food and white sugar (sucrose)
  • Variated food with lots of fruit, vegetables and berries
  • Chicken, turkey, fish and eggs are good protein sources
  • Use cold-pressed vegetable oils
  • Eat nuts - walnuts are the best
  • Use salt, bought cookies/pastries etc with moderation
  • Eat both raw food (vegetables) and cooked food
  • And then there was something more that I missed...
  • Don't skip meals!
A few other things:

  • No chain is stronger than its weakest link - if you are lacking for example one vitamine (or something else your body need), then that will affect other parts of how your body function with other vitamines etc
  • Our free radicals - should be between 200-300.. Oxygen is a double edged sword - both essential and toxic. Things that highers your free radicals are for example; smoking, alcohol, radiation, physical work out (temporarily, thats why we shouldnt overtrain as well but to do it with moderation so the body can recover between), sunlight, prolonged inflammation etc.. Things to get to number lower are things like antioxidants mainly. I have tested this 3 times and as I have had struggled with my health quite a lot in my years, the numbers has not been good.. I will do the test again very soon and that will be interesting to see if it has improved or not since I took it about 3 years ago.
  • Maybe you already know this but he also mentioned about eggs and cholesterol.. It's all a myth that it will higher your bodies cholesteral so that is nothing to worry about and eggs are very good as they (mostly the egg yolk) contain so many vitamines and minerals.
  • We need to eat more omega 3 fatty acids! It's very important with the balance between omega 3 and omega 6.
He also mentioned many other things. I'm getting so inspired hearing things like this and it really makes me sure of that I have chosen the write thing to study! 

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