Thursday, 20 December 2012
The result about the exchange year in America has arrived
Today I got an email concerning the exchange year in America that I applied to about a month ago. There has never been so many applicants as this time which means harder competition, and unfortunately I didn't make it. I got a little bit disappointed but at the same time, I know that I did everything I could and I had everything I needed as well so there's no point of getting upset. I trust God that he leads me where he wants me, so I'm sure he has a better road for me than what I had planned myself :)
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Broccoli compound backed to help in leukaemia fight
A compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables could help to battle leukemia, say researchers.
Beetroot shows blood pressure benefits for healthy adults
Adding a glass of beetroot juice to the daily diet may help reduce blood pressure in healthy men, suggests new research from Australia.
CoQ10 and omega-3 show prostate benefits: RCT data
Daily supplements of coenzyme Q10 and omega-3 may offer potential prostate benefits by reducing levels of a PSA, linked to prostate cancer risk, says a new study.
Food waste mops up heavy metal
Onion and garlic waste from the food industry could be used to absorb hazardous heavy metals, including arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead, mercury and tin in contaminated materials.
Iron supplements may reduce ADHD in low birth weight infants, say researchers
Giving iron supplements to low birth weight infants may reduce the risk of developing behavioural problems such as ADHD later in life, say researchers.
Safety data for stevia extracts is ‘robust’: Cargill/Coke-funded study
All stevia glycosides are safe with respect to their genotoxic/carcinogenic potential, says a new review that seeks to silence doubts once and for all about the ingredient’s potential in food and beverage products.
Fish oil, glucosamine and chondroitin lead the way for anti-inflammatory potential: Study
Regular use of dietary supplements containing fish oil, or glucosamine and chondroitin may reduce markers of inflammation by up to 22%, says a new study.
Does CLA boost bone health for men?
Long-term intakes of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may be associated with bone strength in men, says a new study from Canada and Australia, but the conclusions have been questioned by a leading CLA supplier.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Courses for the spring
Things didn't go exactly how I had planned for the spring. I had applied for an english course (for international healthcare) but I found out a couple of days ago that I didn't get in. It doesn't really matter though because I got in on everything else I had applied to, included 3 courses I applied to "just in case".
I got in on the physiology+anatomy course which is the only one of the courses I REALLY wanted to take so I'm very happy for that :) The second course I will take will, instead of the english course, be sport and health psychology! I'm getting more and more excited about that course too so I believe everything turned out very good.
This means that I will only study 75%, so more time for working too :)
One week left until I know about the exchange year..
I got in on the physiology+anatomy course which is the only one of the courses I REALLY wanted to take so I'm very happy for that :) The second course I will take will, instead of the english course, be sport and health psychology! I'm getting more and more excited about that course too so I believe everything turned out very good.
This means that I will only study 75%, so more time for working too :)
One week left until I know about the exchange year..
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
I haven't given you an update in a while now, so here are a few things..
With only two and a half weeks left on this year, I won't complete my goal of running 1000 km that I put up in the end of February. I have 349,6 km left of those and I have had problems with my knee since the end of June and it's still not good so unfortunally I haven't been able to run much at all since then. It's okay though, there are plenty of other things to do :)
Life has been hectic this semester, which I knew it would be before it started. It has been really nice studying something harder and more challenging than the course I took last spring. Or it hasn't really been harder, it has just been so much more to study. For the next spring, I will be taking a physiology and anatomy course which will be half time studies. I also applied for a course in english for international healthcare but I found out today that I'm not accepted into that one (yet), but I'm one of the reserves.. It doesn't look very promising, considering the reserve number I got, but in case I don't get in, I still have three other smaller courses that I got accepted at.This all means that I will quit my program after the course I'm currently taking and from now on put together the rest of the program myself as I don't believe the original program is good enough and won't take me where I want to get.
I will find out by the end of next week if I got in on the exchange year in America or not. I have applied for University of Texas, Purdue University and University of Miami - all three has really good nutrition courses. There has never been so many people applying for the exchange year in North America as this time but I know I have done everything I could so now it's all in God's hands. If it doesn't happen then I am certain that God has something else that he rather wants me to do so a no will not make me sad in any way. I overheard a few people in school talking about the application and one of them had got an interview with the international office at the University about it and the other one said that it's probably a good sign as it will only be about 10 people that will get accepted without going to an interview.. I didn't get an interview so if those people were right, I need to be one of those 10 people in order to get accepted.
Last weekend I went to a manifestation for Israel and against how the newspapers write about Israel. It was extremely good and I would really encourage you to read the speaches that they had there:
And pictures:
As many of you know, Israel is so close to my heart. It was very touching to be a part of the manifestation and it was very hard not to cry as I saw so many people holding Israeli flags. And speaking of Israel, I have a friend from Israel who is coming here in two weeks which I am super excited about :)
With only two and a half weeks left on this year, I won't complete my goal of running 1000 km that I put up in the end of February. I have 349,6 km left of those and I have had problems with my knee since the end of June and it's still not good so unfortunally I haven't been able to run much at all since then. It's okay though, there are plenty of other things to do :)
Life has been hectic this semester, which I knew it would be before it started. It has been really nice studying something harder and more challenging than the course I took last spring. Or it hasn't really been harder, it has just been so much more to study. For the next spring, I will be taking a physiology and anatomy course which will be half time studies. I also applied for a course in english for international healthcare but I found out today that I'm not accepted into that one (yet), but I'm one of the reserves.. It doesn't look very promising, considering the reserve number I got, but in case I don't get in, I still have three other smaller courses that I got accepted at.This all means that I will quit my program after the course I'm currently taking and from now on put together the rest of the program myself as I don't believe the original program is good enough and won't take me where I want to get.
I will find out by the end of next week if I got in on the exchange year in America or not. I have applied for University of Texas, Purdue University and University of Miami - all three has really good nutrition courses. There has never been so many people applying for the exchange year in North America as this time but I know I have done everything I could so now it's all in God's hands. If it doesn't happen then I am certain that God has something else that he rather wants me to do so a no will not make me sad in any way. I overheard a few people in school talking about the application and one of them had got an interview with the international office at the University about it and the other one said that it's probably a good sign as it will only be about 10 people that will get accepted without going to an interview.. I didn't get an interview so if those people were right, I need to be one of those 10 people in order to get accepted.
Last weekend I went to a manifestation for Israel and against how the newspapers write about Israel. It was extremely good and I would really encourage you to read the speaches that they had there:
And pictures:
As many of you know, Israel is so close to my heart. It was very touching to be a part of the manifestation and it was very hard not to cry as I saw so many people holding Israeli flags. And speaking of Israel, I have a friend from Israel who is coming here in two weeks which I am super excited about :)
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Health research
Aged garlic ‘effective and tolerable’ for blood pressure benefits
Daily supplements containing aged garlic extracts may reduce blood pressure in people with uncontrollable hypertension, says a new study from Australia.
Flaxseed shows blood pressure-lowering potential: Study
Daily consumption of flaxseed-fortified bakery products may reduce blood pressure levels in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), suggests new data presented at the November American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions.
CLA shows anti-inflammatory potential for Crohn’s patients
Daily supplements of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may benefit intestinal health, suggests new data from a study with Crohn’s disease.
‘Evidence is strong’ for omega-3’s heart health benefits: Linus Pauling review
The evidence supporting the heart health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids is strong, despite ‘less conclusive’ recent studies, says a new review from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University.
Vitamin D may slow pre-cancer growths, find researchers
Vitamin D may help to battle cancers by blocking cell growth and slowing the progression of pre-malignant to malignant states, say researchers.
Calcium supplements safe for heart health: Harvard study
Supplements of calcium do not increase the risk of arterial hardening, says a new study that used state-of-the-art CT scans of over 1,200 men and women.
Low vitamin D status linked to higher risk of diabetes
Deficiency in vitamin D may be associated with an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes, according to new research.
Protein supplements effective for muscle mass boosts in young and old: Meta-analysis
A meta-analysis of 22 clinical trials shows that protein supplements are effective for boosting muscle mass and strength gains during resistance exercise in both younger and older subjects.
Omega-3 backed for postpartum depression
Increasing the levels of omega-3 fatty acids could help to battle postpartum depression, according to a new review.
Monday, 26 November 2012
I think quite a lot of people believe coffee is unhealthy, however, it is actually quite the opposite. I started drinking coffee last spring since I learned how many benefits it actually has and how it can lower the risk for a list of diseases. We talked often about coffee on the herb course I took (did I ever mention I finished - and passed it about a month ago by the way?) and looked at many interesting research articles that showed how good coffee actually is. It can be dangerous to drink too much but 3-5 coffee cups per day is a good dose for preventing a lot of diseases. Here are a few benifits:
- To put it simple - Coffee is good for the digestion. Coffee stimulates the production of gastrin and CCK which are digestive hormones. Gastrin stimulates the production of gastric acid (which stimulates production of other digestive hormones as well that has other benefits) which stimulates growth of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small intestine and colon. CCK will help the gallbladder to release bile (so that it can release toxins from the liver as well as digest fat) and it makes the intestines motility work better.
- Coffee intake is associated with lower rates of liver disease progression in chronic hepatitis C
- An increased consumption of coffee may reduce the risk of liver cancer
- Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants (reduces oxidative stress etc.)
- Lower risk for heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes and infections (N Engl J Med. 2012 Jul 19:367(3):285)
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Health research
Many interesting articles this time!
Should we revise how calories are measured?
The current method of measuring the
calorie content of foods could be flawed, says Professor Martin Wickham
of Leatherhead Food Research.
Vitamin D backed to boost diabetic heart disease risk
Low levels of vitamin D may be
responsible for the increased risk of heart disease among diabetic
people developing clogged up arteries, according to new research.
Green tea extract shows potential sperm benefits: Lab study
Extracts from green tea may boost the
quality of sperm, says a new study from Italy, but there too much of the
extract may confer a negative effect.
Do organic beat conventional vegetables for immune system support?
Organically grown carrots may stimulate
the immune system, with ‘more’ organic carrots have more of an effect,
says a new study that adds to the debate on the health benefits of
organic produce.
'Our probiotic science will lead to an EFSA health claims approval': DuPont VP of marketing
Recent studies using DuPont’s HOWARU
strain combination, combined with a better understanding of ‘the rules
of the game’, will lead to positive health claims in Europe, DuPont’s
Scott Bush has confidently predicted.
Probiotics may help cut body fat levels: RCT data
Daily probiotic yogurt consumption may
improve energy metabolism and reduce body fat levels by up to 4%, say
results of a placebo-controlled, double-blind cross-over clinical trial
in Canada.
Pycnogenol shows benefits for asthmatics: Study
Daily supplements of the French Maritime
Pine bark extract Pynogenol may improve symptoms of asthma, according to
results of a clinical trial.
Probiotics may ease eczema for children: RCT data
Daily supplements of the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum CJLP133 may improve eczema in children, says a new study from South Korea.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Jame Oliver talks about the importance of eating healthy
I don't remember if I've posted this video before but if I have, it's worth posting again.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Best start of a Swedish November ever!
November in Sweden is known for being a month that we'd rather just skip.. It's when we are starting to wonder if "summer" is an illusion, the sun ignores us and it's already in the beginning of the month completely dark outside at around 4 pm (with another 1½ months left when it's getting darker and darker for every day).
BUT! I am actually thankful for November, and the rest of the winter. Sure, we have long, dark winters but I don't know anyone that appriciates the spring and the summer better than Scandinavians. And the darkness is really nice too in it's own way. I mean, who would want to have Lucia in the sun?
Our course finished last week and we got a few days off before our next course that starts today. I think we wrote about 11 different papers on the last course, plus a bunch of other stuff, so it has been intense. Writing has always been my weak point so I'm glad I got to practice it. From today, we are going to learn about accounting and calculations which I am super excited about! It has been (VERY) nice to have a few days off but I can't go too many days off without missing school and all it's crazyness. Something that makes it even more fun is that I finally have lights on my bike! :D
Our church had our annual youth conference this weekend and one of my very good friends from Iceland came with his youth group. I went to bible school with him 6 years ago so I haven't seen him in 5 years so it was very emotional to see him again!
The application to an exchange year in America is almost done now as well.. Only half that applies gets to go so I don't know if I'll be able to go but I think I have a good chance. My first "dream" choice has, for two years now, been University of Texas in Austin. I looked through all the american Universities I can apply to and this one was also the one with the best nutrition courses! So we'll see hopefully in a few weeks what happens with that.
Hopefully I get to write more about nutrition very soon here :)
BUT! I am actually thankful for November, and the rest of the winter. Sure, we have long, dark winters but I don't know anyone that appriciates the spring and the summer better than Scandinavians. And the darkness is really nice too in it's own way. I mean, who would want to have Lucia in the sun?
Our course finished last week and we got a few days off before our next course that starts today. I think we wrote about 11 different papers on the last course, plus a bunch of other stuff, so it has been intense. Writing has always been my weak point so I'm glad I got to practice it. From today, we are going to learn about accounting and calculations which I am super excited about! It has been (VERY) nice to have a few days off but I can't go too many days off without missing school and all it's crazyness. Something that makes it even more fun is that I finally have lights on my bike! :D
Our church had our annual youth conference this weekend and one of my very good friends from Iceland came with his youth group. I went to bible school with him 6 years ago so I haven't seen him in 5 years so it was very emotional to see him again!
The application to an exchange year in America is almost done now as well.. Only half that applies gets to go so I don't know if I'll be able to go but I think I have a good chance. My first "dream" choice has, for two years now, been University of Texas in Austin. I looked through all the american Universities I can apply to and this one was also the one with the best nutrition courses! So we'll see hopefully in a few weeks what happens with that.
Hopefully I get to write more about nutrition very soon here :)
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Six weeks of the business administration course is over. As of the end of next week, my phyto course will be over and I will officially be a phyto therapist and get a certificate for it. It's been crazy having both these things going on at the same time along with some other things, however, it's great to feel again that I'm at the University and not kindergarten as the last spring semester felt like sometimes.
As for the coming spring, I'm (hopefully) going to study physiology, anatomy and english for international healthcare. They are distance courses, which means that I can do them wherever! I'm therefore currently looking into the possiblity to go abroad somewhere for a part or the whole spring semester. I have a few thoughts about it, but nothing is decided yet. I'm super (!!) excited about the coming spring! Physiology interests me a lot and I'm so happy that I will be studying that again! That is, if I get in, which I don't think will be a problem.
Since last time I wrote, I have turned 26 years old, written an exam, 4 papers, 6 or 7 group papers, read around 8-9 books and started a book study with two other girls. We are going through John Pipers book "Desiring God" and it has been amazing this far! Even though it has been a really busy and crazy time, God has really strengthened me and taught me a lot.
I also have a few links that I want to share. The first one made me happy as I'm currently on my 2nd cold since school started again and I'm hoping that the probiotic that I have at home will help! And also, don't forget that you can't get any vitamin D from the sun now (in Sweden) and there's not enough in the food. There's one link about magnesium, and to be able to absorb magnesium, you need to have enough vitamin D. Just so you know...
As for the coming spring, I'm (hopefully) going to study physiology, anatomy and english for international healthcare. They are distance courses, which means that I can do them wherever! I'm therefore currently looking into the possiblity to go abroad somewhere for a part or the whole spring semester. I have a few thoughts about it, but nothing is decided yet. I'm super (!!) excited about the coming spring! Physiology interests me a lot and I'm so happy that I will be studying that again! That is, if I get in, which I don't think will be a problem.
Since last time I wrote, I have turned 26 years old, written an exam, 4 papers, 6 or 7 group papers, read around 8-9 books and started a book study with two other girls. We are going through John Pipers book "Desiring God" and it has been amazing this far! Even though it has been a really busy and crazy time, God has really strengthened me and taught me a lot.
I also have a few links that I want to share. The first one made me happy as I'm currently on my 2nd cold since school started again and I'm hoping that the probiotic that I have at home will help! And also, don't forget that you can't get any vitamin D from the sun now (in Sweden) and there's not enough in the food. There's one link about magnesium, and to be able to absorb magnesium, you need to have enough vitamin D. Just so you know...
Probiotics can battle stressed student colds: Study
A blend of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12) reduced the duration of common colds among typically stressed out students, US researchers have found.
Review calls for research on mood modifying effects of cocoa
Daily intake of flavanol-rich cocoa
products could have benefits for mood and heart healt however there is a
great need for detailed research into the mood modifying effects of
such ingredients, according to a research.
Magnesium may reduce colon cancer risk: Meta-analysis
Increased intakes of magnesium may reduce
the risk of developing colon cancer, says a new meta-analysis of data
from 338,979 people.
Vitamin K may slash diabetes risk: Study
Increased intakes of vitamin K1 may lower
the risk of developing type-2 diabetes in elderly people with a high
risk of cardiovascular disease, says a new study.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
God's view on food
Food has been a big part of my life in different ways. I have loved cooking more or less since I was 6 years old when I started cooking for my stuffed horse. That passion grew and was a big part of my life growing up as I tried to learn as much as I could about it while cooking "all the time". It also lead me to going to culinary art school (which was actually so basic that I lost a huge part of that interest during those years) and also working in some restaurants. It has also been a big part in the way that I hated food through the eating disorders I had for about 4½ years when I was a teenager, and after that, trying to find a balance.
As for now, I study nutrition as you might know so food is still a big part of my life. However, this summer has changed my view of it quite a bit as I have studied God's word on the subject and there are a few different aspects I'd like to speak about concerning this. This does not mean that I am against nutrition - but I don't see it as important in itself anymore. Something can be important in the view of the world, but I believe that the only thing that is really important is God and the things of this world (that is perishable) will only have a value if it is in direct connection to God. God created food to be good, and nutritious, but if God's gift, nutrition or food in this case, becomes more desirable than God himself, then we have misunderstood the whole thing and made it into an idol.
One reason why nutrition can be desirable is because it gives us a (false) hope of a long life without sickness. That however is not what life is about. We have not fulfilled God's calling and God's will for our life through that we are healthy and live a long life. This life is only a shadow of things to come (Col 2:16-17) and instead of seeing nutrition and food as a way of getting a long life, we need to look at it from God's perspective. (And actually, as believers, why do we want to live long on this earth anyways? I can't wait to come home to God and away from the troubles of this world! - Phil 1:21, not that I don't want to live here, but that I don't see value in life in itself apart from God). If you still want to get a long life then look at proverbs 10:27 - The fear of the Lord adds length to life.
God can use nutrition for his purpose - but He stands above nutrition. And that explains why "really healthy" people can still get sick and die in their sickness, and other people who has not lived a healthy life can still live a long life without getting sick. Nutrition/food is not ultimate - God is. Life is not about avoiding suffering of all costs either, God uses suffering for His purposes and His purposes are good. Not that we should seek suffering, but also not so that we should try to avoid it as hard as we can. (But that is another subject I'd like to develop another day). Eternal life is what matters. God matters. Not the things that is perishable. And in that light, we can see what is truly good about nutrition and not what we might think is good about it.
I want to share a few bibleverses:
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ... Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”?... Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. Col 2:16-17, 20-21, 23
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.. Romans 14:17
But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.
1 Cor 8:8
They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer... Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.1 Tim 4:3-5, 7-8
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col 3:2
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both. 1 Cor 6:12-13a (I will not be mastered by anything - that goes both ways concerning food; mastered by the obsession of eating healthy and mastered by overeating)
One thing that I have believed is that we need to eat healthy because we are the temple of God. The scripture doesn't teach us that our bodies are a temple of God in the way of that we should try to be without sickness though. If He cared about our bodies in that way, then it would also be "wrong" to get a bruise. It is not our physical bodies that needs to be perfect, God will destroy it anyways and give us a new body when we come to heaven. If it was the physical body that is important then He would not have allowed sickness or allowed Jesus to be beaten and whipped. Our bodies are of no value, it is perishable. We will not bring it into heaven. The way it is a temple of God means that we now have access to a close and personal relationship to God through the new covenant. We don't have to go to a building to meet God, but God lives in us. When the bible speaks about us being the temple, it speaks about sexual immorality (1 Cor 6:12-20) and idols (2 Cor 6:16). It doesn't say that we need to watch what we eat because we are the temple of God. 2 Cor 5:1 speaks about our physical body and there it doesn't refer it to as the temple of God but as an earthly tent - that will be destroyed!
This doesn't mean that nutrition has no value, because if it has a direct connection to God - then it is of value. It is not wrong to care about nutrition. But it is extremely important to make sure it doesn't turns in to an idol. God is supreme! And in that freedom (of seeing what is of real value - God), I can care about nutrition and food and delight in that but also be willing to give it all up as it ultimately has no value compared to God.
I don't know if I will work with nutrition in the future. Honestly, the more I get to know God, the less I care about nutrition and the more I want to become a missionary and lead people to Christ. But I still know God has a purpose for making me learn all these things and hopefully I will be able to use it as a blessing from God to others.
I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. 1 Cor 10:23
As for now, I study nutrition as you might know so food is still a big part of my life. However, this summer has changed my view of it quite a bit as I have studied God's word on the subject and there are a few different aspects I'd like to speak about concerning this. This does not mean that I am against nutrition - but I don't see it as important in itself anymore. Something can be important in the view of the world, but I believe that the only thing that is really important is God and the things of this world (that is perishable) will only have a value if it is in direct connection to God. God created food to be good, and nutritious, but if God's gift, nutrition or food in this case, becomes more desirable than God himself, then we have misunderstood the whole thing and made it into an idol.
One reason why nutrition can be desirable is because it gives us a (false) hope of a long life without sickness. That however is not what life is about. We have not fulfilled God's calling and God's will for our life through that we are healthy and live a long life. This life is only a shadow of things to come (Col 2:16-17) and instead of seeing nutrition and food as a way of getting a long life, we need to look at it from God's perspective. (And actually, as believers, why do we want to live long on this earth anyways? I can't wait to come home to God and away from the troubles of this world! - Phil 1:21, not that I don't want to live here, but that I don't see value in life in itself apart from God). If you still want to get a long life then look at proverbs 10:27 - The fear of the Lord adds length to life.
God can use nutrition for his purpose - but He stands above nutrition. And that explains why "really healthy" people can still get sick and die in their sickness, and other people who has not lived a healthy life can still live a long life without getting sick. Nutrition/food is not ultimate - God is. Life is not about avoiding suffering of all costs either, God uses suffering for His purposes and His purposes are good. Not that we should seek suffering, but also not so that we should try to avoid it as hard as we can. (But that is another subject I'd like to develop another day). Eternal life is what matters. God matters. Not the things that is perishable. And in that light, we can see what is truly good about nutrition and not what we might think is good about it.
I want to share a few bibleverses:
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ... Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”?... Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. Col 2:16-17, 20-21, 23
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.. Romans 14:17
But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.
1 Cor 8:8
They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer... Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.1 Tim 4:3-5, 7-8
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Col 3:2
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both. 1 Cor 6:12-13a (I will not be mastered by anything - that goes both ways concerning food; mastered by the obsession of eating healthy and mastered by overeating)
One thing that I have believed is that we need to eat healthy because we are the temple of God. The scripture doesn't teach us that our bodies are a temple of God in the way of that we should try to be without sickness though. If He cared about our bodies in that way, then it would also be "wrong" to get a bruise. It is not our physical bodies that needs to be perfect, God will destroy it anyways and give us a new body when we come to heaven. If it was the physical body that is important then He would not have allowed sickness or allowed Jesus to be beaten and whipped. Our bodies are of no value, it is perishable. We will not bring it into heaven. The way it is a temple of God means that we now have access to a close and personal relationship to God through the new covenant. We don't have to go to a building to meet God, but God lives in us. When the bible speaks about us being the temple, it speaks about sexual immorality (1 Cor 6:12-20) and idols (2 Cor 6:16). It doesn't say that we need to watch what we eat because we are the temple of God. 2 Cor 5:1 speaks about our physical body and there it doesn't refer it to as the temple of God but as an earthly tent - that will be destroyed!
This doesn't mean that nutrition has no value, because if it has a direct connection to God - then it is of value. It is not wrong to care about nutrition. But it is extremely important to make sure it doesn't turns in to an idol. God is supreme! And in that freedom (of seeing what is of real value - God), I can care about nutrition and food and delight in that but also be willing to give it all up as it ultimately has no value compared to God.
I don't know if I will work with nutrition in the future. Honestly, the more I get to know God, the less I care about nutrition and the more I want to become a missionary and lead people to Christ. But I still know God has a purpose for making me learn all these things and hopefully I will be able to use it as a blessing from God to others.
I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. 1 Cor 10:23
Monday, 13 August 2012
Worth everything
What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Phil 3:8-9
Phil 3:8-9
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Phil 1:21
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me —the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.
Acts 20:24
Acts 20:24
Friday, 10 August 2012
New times, The work of God
Part of the beauty of being a believer in Christ is that he will make me grow in him. He is not depending on that we need to be a certain age, stage in life or anything like that. I've heard many times that you mature/change most until you turn 25 and then it slows down (a lot), so I started believing that lie a few years ago, especially as I turned 22,23,24 without seeing much change in me. I knew I would change, but expected it to go much slower from then on.
I turned 25 years last year and I don't think I have changed so much any of my years as I have this past year. Talk about the grace of God!!!
I started school last year, terrified that I wouldn't be smart enough to pass my courses. One of the reasons why I haven't wanted to go to University has been that I have never felt smart enough for it. I seriously believed that there were no chance ever that I would even qualify to get in to any courses on a University level.
I have learned this past year that I'm not smart enough - in myself. This year has only been going good because of the work God has done. Because I was so afraid of failing - I got myself totally depended on God. But I have also learned that my grades or my education doesn't mean anything. It is of no value in itself, or for my own sake.
I read in a book today, written by John Piper, where he explained it perfectly:
"God himself is the great supreme value. Everything else that has any value has it by connection to God."
He also wrote:
"Satan enslaves people in two ways. One way is with the misery and suffering that comes from making us think there is no good God worth trusting. The other way is with pleasure and prosperity, making us think we have all we need so that God is irrelevant."
It is good for us to "reach bottom" in certain areas because it reminds us that we are depended on God and it teaches us to have faith in God - because we don't have anything else that we can trust and hold on to. God doesn't create evil - there is nothing but good in him, but he allows it to happen but always for a purpose. If we go through suffering, then we need to run to God and praise him because he is in control, he is good and it will give us patience and bring us closer to God. If we prosper, then we need to praise God, and remember that it's all because of him.
1 Cor 1:27-31 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not —to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord."
2 Cor 12:9 (Jesus says to Paul) “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
It is in our weakness that God's power is made perfect!
Paul says in verse 10: That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
We need to make ourselves totally depended on God, but actually, we in ourselves can not even do that! Ask God for it, ask him to lead you right and give your life, your whole life to him. Do whatever it takes! And with that, I don't mean "try not to sin" but I mean, cry out to God, become desperate to find him! The one who seek will find! For the one who knocks - the door WILL open!
Mark 8:35 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.
Jer 29:12-13 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Isaiah 57:15 For this is what the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.
And the best part is that it is God who will do the work in you! And his Spirit can lead you in everything in life!
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
1 Thess 5:24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
Actually I asked God for where that last bible verse were as I couldn't find it, and I flipped one page and there it was! Just one example of how God can lead you!
The best part about being a believer is that God actually really exist and that everything in the bible is actually true! For real!!!
I turned 25 years last year and I don't think I have changed so much any of my years as I have this past year. Talk about the grace of God!!!
I started school last year, terrified that I wouldn't be smart enough to pass my courses. One of the reasons why I haven't wanted to go to University has been that I have never felt smart enough for it. I seriously believed that there were no chance ever that I would even qualify to get in to any courses on a University level.
I have learned this past year that I'm not smart enough - in myself. This year has only been going good because of the work God has done. Because I was so afraid of failing - I got myself totally depended on God. But I have also learned that my grades or my education doesn't mean anything. It is of no value in itself, or for my own sake.
I read in a book today, written by John Piper, where he explained it perfectly:
"God himself is the great supreme value. Everything else that has any value has it by connection to God."
He also wrote:
"Satan enslaves people in two ways. One way is with the misery and suffering that comes from making us think there is no good God worth trusting. The other way is with pleasure and prosperity, making us think we have all we need so that God is irrelevant."
It is good for us to "reach bottom" in certain areas because it reminds us that we are depended on God and it teaches us to have faith in God - because we don't have anything else that we can trust and hold on to. God doesn't create evil - there is nothing but good in him, but he allows it to happen but always for a purpose. If we go through suffering, then we need to run to God and praise him because he is in control, he is good and it will give us patience and bring us closer to God. If we prosper, then we need to praise God, and remember that it's all because of him.
1 Cor 1:27-31 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not —to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord."
2 Cor 12:9 (Jesus says to Paul) “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
It is in our weakness that God's power is made perfect!
Paul says in verse 10: That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
We need to make ourselves totally depended on God, but actually, we in ourselves can not even do that! Ask God for it, ask him to lead you right and give your life, your whole life to him. Do whatever it takes! And with that, I don't mean "try not to sin" but I mean, cry out to God, become desperate to find him! The one who seek will find! For the one who knocks - the door WILL open!
Mark 8:35 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.
Jer 29:12-13 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Isaiah 57:15 For this is what the high and exalted One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.
And the best part is that it is God who will do the work in you! And his Spirit can lead you in everything in life!
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
1 Thess 5:24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
Actually I asked God for where that last bible verse were as I couldn't find it, and I flipped one page and there it was! Just one example of how God can lead you!
The best part about being a believer is that God actually really exist and that everything in the bible is actually true! For real!!!
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Omega-3/6 ratio
I don't remember anymore what I've already written here and what not but if I don't remember wrong, I haven't posted this one yet. I just saw it and thought it was pretty interesting! Apparently northern Europe has a ratio of 15 which is very high. More omega 3 to the people!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Home, ready and excited for the coming year!
I'm not actually ready for the coming year, I need to clean, work, buy school books and stuff like that before but I feel mentally recharged after the trip to America and the inspiration to study has come back. I'm sure I will need all the inspiration I can get as the studies this fall will be much more serious and harder then the last year (especially the spring).
I came home to Sweden today and normally I always feel sad coming home but this time I don't. I'm excited about going back to eating lots and lots of vegetables and fish, going back to the gym, using olive oil in my hair, deodorant without aliminum and toothpaste without flouride, "fighting" to store food in glas and not plastic, making fermented vegetables and smoothies of spinach, not eating gum because of the sweeteners in it (hmm.. I did bring a lot of american gum home though..) and so forth.
It's weird how I can get so excited about stuff like that but it's just so interesting and fun! The first thing I did coming home was going straight to the store to buy vegetables and fish. I'm already excited about tomorrows lunch. And dinner. Maybe I could even do a lentil stew.. WITH CAULIFLOWERS IN IT!!! Okay now I'm just getting to excited :) I also think I will do another longer sugar fast. I've been eating so much sugar the past couple of weeks that I almost want to throw up just looking at something with sugar now.
I have 416,2 km left on my 1000 km running goal but now my knees are starting to hurt too much even when I don't run so I'm going to slow that down a bit for a while now.
Tomorrow me and my mom are going to a concert with Paul Simon. That is something I have wanting to do since I was 16 years old so you can probably imagine the excitment I feel for that as well!! It's just too much exciting things going on right now :) The trip was so amazing and I the best thing about it all was everything God did in my life. It's hard to explain but maybe I will try later..
I came home to Sweden today and normally I always feel sad coming home but this time I don't. I'm excited about going back to eating lots and lots of vegetables and fish, going back to the gym, using olive oil in my hair, deodorant without aliminum and toothpaste without flouride, "fighting" to store food in glas and not plastic, making fermented vegetables and smoothies of spinach, not eating gum because of the sweeteners in it (hmm.. I did bring a lot of american gum home though..) and so forth.
It's weird how I can get so excited about stuff like that but it's just so interesting and fun! The first thing I did coming home was going straight to the store to buy vegetables and fish. I'm already excited about tomorrows lunch. And dinner. Maybe I could even do a lentil stew.. WITH CAULIFLOWERS IN IT!!! Okay now I'm just getting to excited :) I also think I will do another longer sugar fast. I've been eating so much sugar the past couple of weeks that I almost want to throw up just looking at something with sugar now.
I have 416,2 km left on my 1000 km running goal but now my knees are starting to hurt too much even when I don't run so I'm going to slow that down a bit for a while now.
Tomorrow me and my mom are going to a concert with Paul Simon. That is something I have wanting to do since I was 16 years old so you can probably imagine the excitment I feel for that as well!! It's just too much exciting things going on right now :) The trip was so amazing and I the best thing about it all was everything God did in my life. It's hard to explain but maybe I will try later..
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Health links
Women and children first? Benefits of cranberry may be better for certain population groups
Consuming cranberry products may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by about 40%, says a new meta-analysis that also indicates that certain groups may benefit more than others.
Probiotic cheese provides immuno-support after exercise: rat study
Researchers have found probiotic cheese may be a viable alternative to enhance the immune system and prevent infection after physical overexertion.
Chia seeds raise blood ALA and EPA levels for postmenopausal women: Study
Consumption of chia seeds, rich in ALA, may increase blood levels of the long chain omega-3 EPA by 30% for postmenopausal women, says a new study from the Appalachian State University and the University of North Carolina.
Almonds have 20% fewer calories than thought
The calorific value of almonds is 20% less than previously thought, leading to gross overestimations of their energy value, according to new US research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN).
Wild blueberries may protect DNA from damage: Study
Juice made from wild blueberries may reduce oxidative damage to DNA by around 3% and decrease the risk of cardiovascular and degenerative diseases, suggests new data.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
A little about my trip to America
I have now spent a month in America and it has been a really great trip! As you know, I love America/americans deeply and want to be based here in the future. I'm excited to go back to Sweden now though so that I can start working and preparing for the coming school year - I just wish I could do all that here!
Trips here are so great because it reminds me of the love I have for the country and spending time with my friends over here really blesses me in so many ways and God uses that to recharge me for "another swedish winter".
I'm also really excited about going back to healthy eating! I have no one else to blame but myself for eating worse while I'm here but whatever, I'm on vacation right? But it's good because it gives me so much new motivation to continue working out, eating good and to learn more about nutrition and physiology etc.
I haven't taken a lot of pictures, partly because I always forget and partly because my camera is not good.
First I went to Whitley in Oklahoma and got to spend a few nights in their old house before they moved in to a really beautiful french-inspired house. Me and Whitley went to Tulsa a few times, worked out - a lot, ate lots of salads and had a great time! Our friend Jake drove all the way from Colorado to visit us the weekend they moved so that was perfect! It was a lot of fun to see where she lives as she has been living in our house this past year.
I went to Dallas two weeks later and spend two weeks at the Elkins - the family that I've been staying with both times I've been here before. The mom is very pregnant and she is giving birth tomorrow - so unfortunally I will miss it. It was so much fun to spend time with them again and I'm really excited to see their new baby next time I visit :) And now I have spend the last days with one of my very good friends in Denton, TX which has also been so good!
I think the most fun thing this month was when we went to a rodeo. That was crazy.. At one point, they had kids (I'm guessing 4 year olds) hanging on to sheep until they fell off like on bullriding. I'll post pictures of that later.
I have so many health links I want to post so that will be coming very soon!!
Trips here are so great because it reminds me of the love I have for the country and spending time with my friends over here really blesses me in so many ways and God uses that to recharge me for "another swedish winter".
I'm also really excited about going back to healthy eating! I have no one else to blame but myself for eating worse while I'm here but whatever, I'm on vacation right? But it's good because it gives me so much new motivation to continue working out, eating good and to learn more about nutrition and physiology etc.
I haven't taken a lot of pictures, partly because I always forget and partly because my camera is not good.
First I went to Whitley in Oklahoma and got to spend a few nights in their old house before they moved in to a really beautiful french-inspired house. Me and Whitley went to Tulsa a few times, worked out - a lot, ate lots of salads and had a great time! Our friend Jake drove all the way from Colorado to visit us the weekend they moved so that was perfect! It was a lot of fun to see where she lives as she has been living in our house this past year.
I went to Dallas two weeks later and spend two weeks at the Elkins - the family that I've been staying with both times I've been here before. The mom is very pregnant and she is giving birth tomorrow - so unfortunally I will miss it. It was so much fun to spend time with them again and I'm really excited to see their new baby next time I visit :) And now I have spend the last days with one of my very good friends in Denton, TX which has also been so good!
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4th of July in Denton, TX |
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Last frozen yoghurt for this time! |
I have so many health links I want to post so that will be coming very soon!!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
The past year..
I thought it would be about time for me to write something here.. I am as for today done with half of my phyto education and I have so many things that I've learned from this weekend and from the weekend in May that I want to write here.. But that comes later. Today I want to share some other things..
I'm done since a few weeks ago with the "Nutrition B"-course at the university. It has been a great year in school even though the last months were "special".. In September I'll be studying Business economy which I'm excited about. The phytocourse has been so much better then I ever could expect. It's so amazing to learn about how many good things plants can do, so that people wouldn't have to take medicine in many cases. I have also tried many herbs myself and it's such a God thing that I ended up on this course, partly because I don't remember any time I've felt this good (as I've been sick for a long time..) and also all the things I learn so that I can hopefully help many others with this in the future.
But, even though this last year has been a lot about school - I'd still say that this year has mainly been about growing in God. It's so cool because I have been so on fire about missions, helping children etc etc since I got saved and I didn't want to go to university before because I saw it as a "waste of time" and I just wanted to "get out there". Plus that I didn't think I would be smart enough for university.. it has always scared me.
God still put me in school again and he has shown me over and over through this year that the dreams I have is also his dreams and that he will fulfill his promises about it. I just have to focus on where I am right now and trust God for the future. This year has only made me more and more excited about making a difference in this world - and that is ALL God! So, I started school with being a little bit "sad" that I was going this way instead of going out on missions or something similiar, but I knew it was God that wanted me to do it and instead of loosing the "fire", the fire and the passions for the other things has just grown bigger and bigger.
I have done so many stupid things in my life but God is still just pouring out his grace over me and gives me things I haven't deserved at all. And the best part is that even though I have a long way to go, God is still patient with me and gives me time to grow in Him. Isn't that just so amazing! That God has patience with us..
I heard a sermon once where the pastor said that he married his wife when she was 19. And he said that she wasn't "everything he had dreamed of" at that time - but he could see that she had the potential to become that. And I kinda see it as that.. God knows we have the potential - because he put it there, so then it's easy for him to be patient with us. And I know one thing - I'm far from perfect, but I love God more than anything else and I know he will continue changing me and that gives me hope!
So this year has been so amazing. I have learned that even if I'm scared - I can still trust God. God is faithful and he is good. He is our father whom we can always go to and that is always in control even when we are scared and we don't see the solution. You only have to throw yourself in his arms and give him all your problems and he will take care of you.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for America.. I will spend the first two weeks with Whitley and then I'm heading down to Dallas for another 2½ weeks. I'm planning to write some summaries on some herbs on the way there.. I have a 8 or 9 hours layover in London so I have plenty of time :) So then I can post those here later.
So until then - God is with you and He loves you!
I'm done since a few weeks ago with the "Nutrition B"-course at the university. It has been a great year in school even though the last months were "special".. In September I'll be studying Business economy which I'm excited about. The phytocourse has been so much better then I ever could expect. It's so amazing to learn about how many good things plants can do, so that people wouldn't have to take medicine in many cases. I have also tried many herbs myself and it's such a God thing that I ended up on this course, partly because I don't remember any time I've felt this good (as I've been sick for a long time..) and also all the things I learn so that I can hopefully help many others with this in the future.
But, even though this last year has been a lot about school - I'd still say that this year has mainly been about growing in God. It's so cool because I have been so on fire about missions, helping children etc etc since I got saved and I didn't want to go to university before because I saw it as a "waste of time" and I just wanted to "get out there". Plus that I didn't think I would be smart enough for university.. it has always scared me.
God still put me in school again and he has shown me over and over through this year that the dreams I have is also his dreams and that he will fulfill his promises about it. I just have to focus on where I am right now and trust God for the future. This year has only made me more and more excited about making a difference in this world - and that is ALL God! So, I started school with being a little bit "sad" that I was going this way instead of going out on missions or something similiar, but I knew it was God that wanted me to do it and instead of loosing the "fire", the fire and the passions for the other things has just grown bigger and bigger.
I have done so many stupid things in my life but God is still just pouring out his grace over me and gives me things I haven't deserved at all. And the best part is that even though I have a long way to go, God is still patient with me and gives me time to grow in Him. Isn't that just so amazing! That God has patience with us..
I heard a sermon once where the pastor said that he married his wife when she was 19. And he said that she wasn't "everything he had dreamed of" at that time - but he could see that she had the potential to become that. And I kinda see it as that.. God knows we have the potential - because he put it there, so then it's easy for him to be patient with us. And I know one thing - I'm far from perfect, but I love God more than anything else and I know he will continue changing me and that gives me hope!
So this year has been so amazing. I have learned that even if I'm scared - I can still trust God. God is faithful and he is good. He is our father whom we can always go to and that is always in control even when we are scared and we don't see the solution. You only have to throw yourself in his arms and give him all your problems and he will take care of you.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for America.. I will spend the first two weeks with Whitley and then I'm heading down to Dallas for another 2½ weeks. I'm planning to write some summaries on some herbs on the way there.. I have a 8 or 9 hours layover in London so I have plenty of time :) So then I can post those here later.
So until then - God is with you and He loves you!
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Ginkgo (herb)
I got a good feeling yesterday when I was thinking about that it's only 2 more weeks on this semester in school! - until I remembered that my summer course which I'm taking "just for fun" (I have to keep my reputation of being a nerd right?) starts in 3 weeks.. Oh well..
My church has a spring seminar this weekend which I really want to go to but I can't cause I'm having my phyto course in Stockholm this weekend. This time it will be about the liver, gallbladder, kidneys/urinary bladder and the skin. I'm really excited as it was sooooo good last time. Not as excited for the test we have though.. :/ I'll post a summary of the weekend later.
But now a little bit about ginkgo!
Ginkgo is widening arteries, stimulates the blood circulation and inhibits platelet collection. It is anticonvulsant and an antioxidant. It highers the tolerance for free radicals and the tendency of the blood to clot reduces..
Ginkgo contains a lot of positive substances but also one that is harmful but they normally take out the harmful substance so you won't get any serious side effects if you would take normal doses.
That was short I guess but still interesting. You can buy these in different ways, personally I have capsules of these right now as I did a blood analysis last week and they could see there that my thrombocytes clot up more than they should so we'll see if it'll help. He also said that this is why I love running so much - because it helps the thrombocytes to not clot. I think I'd love running otherwise anyways though.. The picture is from my blood analysis. The circles are erytrocytes (red blood cells) and the big thing there is my thrombocytes that has "clot up" or whatever you'd say in english..
My church has a spring seminar this weekend which I really want to go to but I can't cause I'm having my phyto course in Stockholm this weekend. This time it will be about the liver, gallbladder, kidneys/urinary bladder and the skin. I'm really excited as it was sooooo good last time. Not as excited for the test we have though.. :/ I'll post a summary of the weekend later.
But now a little bit about ginkgo!
Ginkgo is widening arteries, stimulates the blood circulation and inhibits platelet collection. It is anticonvulsant and an antioxidant. It highers the tolerance for free radicals and the tendency of the blood to clot reduces..
Ginkgo contains a lot of positive substances but also one that is harmful but they normally take out the harmful substance so you won't get any serious side effects if you would take normal doses.
That was short I guess but still interesting. You can buy these in different ways, personally I have capsules of these right now as I did a blood analysis last week and they could see there that my thrombocytes clot up more than they should so we'll see if it'll help. He also said that this is why I love running so much - because it helps the thrombocytes to not clot. I think I'd love running otherwise anyways though.. The picture is from my blood analysis. The circles are erytrocytes (red blood cells) and the big thing there is my thrombocytes that has "clot up" or whatever you'd say in english..
Friday, 11 May 2012
Health links
Eight top food trends to drive consumers by 2020
Eight top food trends will dominate European shoppers’ buying habits by the year 2020, predicts Spanish research organisation Azti-Tecnalia.
Is vitamin D3 more effective than D2?
Vitamin D3 is more effective at increasing blood levels of the sunshine vitamin than the D2 form, says the first-ever systematic review and meta-analysis comparing the effectiveness of the vitamin D forms.
Isoflavones fail to affect blood pressure for women
Six weeks of supplementation with soy isoflavones did not reduce blood pressure or nitric oxide metabolism, says a new study.
Tomato juice shows sports nutrition potential
A daily glass of antioxidant-rich tomato juice may reduce markers of oxidative stress and damage after exhaustive exercise, suggests a new study.
Researchers explore links between overeating and pleasure
Eating for pleasure may stimulate the brain’s reward centers and lead to overeating in a way that eating to satisfy hunger does not, according to findings from a small study published in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Prebiotics may reduce severity of colitis, say researchers
Prebiotic supplements could help to reduce bacterial infection and inflammation so reducing the severity of colitis, according to new research.
Cacao & soy compounds show heart health benefits for diabetic women: Study
Supplementation with cacao-flavonoids and soy isoflavones may improve levels of biomarkers of heart disease in postmenopausal, diabetic women, says a new study.
Plant-animal protein blend boosts post-workout muscles: Study
Blending dairy-derived whey and casein with soy protein can yield benefits in a post-workout setting, according to pioneering but unpublished research.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Don't know what title I should use.. more updates I guess :)
I'm getting worse at blogging.. I just realized that it takes me quite a few days to write new posts but at the same time, there's just not that much fun to write about right now. I could write a lot about herbs I guess but it might not be fun to only read about that.. There's a lot of things I want to blog about from what I've learned last semester in school but I don't want to even look at those books yet, at least not till I'm done with this semester (only 3½ weeks left!!!) :)
Me and my whole family are going down to Småland this weekend to visit our relatives and then I'm having the phyto course + spring seminar at church the weekend after.. It's also my sisters birthday in a week and I'm so excited to make a cake for her! Gonna try to find a really hard one that takes at least 3 days to do.
School work is also going great! I'd say it's too easy right now but that can be nice sometimes so it's not stressful all the time (as it has been until a few weeks ago)..
For you who are following my blog - I'm now down to 778 km left on my 1000 km running goal.. It was going slow for a while when it was still cold and I was sick but now it's going really good! I don't know what I would do without the running.. There's just so many problems that gets solved while all the fresh air clears my mind :)
I guess I don't have much else to say. I'll be a better blogger soon again, there are many things conserning nutrition I really want to blog about :)
6 weeks left for America, and 11 weeks left for the Paul Simon concert!! Yay!
Me and my whole family are going down to Småland this weekend to visit our relatives and then I'm having the phyto course + spring seminar at church the weekend after.. It's also my sisters birthday in a week and I'm so excited to make a cake for her! Gonna try to find a really hard one that takes at least 3 days to do.
School work is also going great! I'd say it's too easy right now but that can be nice sometimes so it's not stressful all the time (as it has been until a few weeks ago)..
For you who are following my blog - I'm now down to 778 km left on my 1000 km running goal.. It was going slow for a while when it was still cold and I was sick but now it's going really good! I don't know what I would do without the running.. There's just so many problems that gets solved while all the fresh air clears my mind :)
I guess I don't have much else to say. I'll be a better blogger soon again, there are many things conserning nutrition I really want to blog about :)
6 weeks left for America, and 11 weeks left for the Paul Simon concert!! Yay!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
A lot is happening in Uppsala this time a year and the weather has been soooo great for a few days now which I don't think anyone who has been through a swedish winter takes for granted! I'm almost scared that I don't enjoy it enough because I know so well that I can not take a single minute for granted.
Monday was valborg, which is huge in Uppsala. I read somewhere that there's over 100 000 that celebrates it in Uppsala so it's packed with people where ever you go. I tried to find friends many times but it was just impossible. Me and my sister went to see the rafting in the morning and went around with church in the evening downtown. For you who don't know what valborg is, it's a day when we celebrate that the winter is over and we have big bonfires in the evening, barbeques through the day etc.. Most people would drink champagne and eat strawberries for breakfast and then drink the rest of the day. So in that aspect it's not that fun that there's soooooo many drunk people everywhere but otherwise valborg is awesome!
And then yesterday was 1st of May which is a holiday here and we go out to demonstrate for different political parties. Me and my sister went with the christian democrates to demonstrate for that people should be able to choose if they want to stay home with their kids when they are young or not. Right now it's very hard for parents to do that and the state is trying to "force" all families to put the kids on the daycare as early as possible. I strongly believe that you should be able to make that decision yourself as parents and that parents are so important for the kids and no one else can replace them. So that was fun! And then I went to see a couple of friends from school to just sit in the sun by the river :) It was really great.
School is going pretty slow right now, it's not much to do.. So not so much to say about that.
I've also booked tickets to go to USA this summer again! I wasn't sure if I was gonna go but has thought about it since I decided not to go to Israel and then I went out for a run, got filled with endorphines and was so happy so I decided that I'm gonna go and booked the tickets a few hours later! I'll be going to both Oklahoma and Texas this time for a whole month and I'm super excited :) Next year I just have to decide earlier so I get cheaper tickets because both this year and last year, I decided way too late. I should've learned that I just can't stay away from there.. I love it and I love the americans way too much.
Monday was valborg, which is huge in Uppsala. I read somewhere that there's over 100 000 that celebrates it in Uppsala so it's packed with people where ever you go. I tried to find friends many times but it was just impossible. Me and my sister went to see the rafting in the morning and went around with church in the evening downtown. For you who don't know what valborg is, it's a day when we celebrate that the winter is over and we have big bonfires in the evening, barbeques through the day etc.. Most people would drink champagne and eat strawberries for breakfast and then drink the rest of the day. So in that aspect it's not that fun that there's soooooo many drunk people everywhere but otherwise valborg is awesome!
And then yesterday was 1st of May which is a holiday here and we go out to demonstrate for different political parties. Me and my sister went with the christian democrates to demonstrate for that people should be able to choose if they want to stay home with their kids when they are young or not. Right now it's very hard for parents to do that and the state is trying to "force" all families to put the kids on the daycare as early as possible. I strongly believe that you should be able to make that decision yourself as parents and that parents are so important for the kids and no one else can replace them. So that was fun! And then I went to see a couple of friends from school to just sit in the sun by the river :) It was really great.
School is going pretty slow right now, it's not much to do.. So not so much to say about that.
I've also booked tickets to go to USA this summer again! I wasn't sure if I was gonna go but has thought about it since I decided not to go to Israel and then I went out for a run, got filled with endorphines and was so happy so I decided that I'm gonna go and booked the tickets a few hours later! I'll be going to both Oklahoma and Texas this time for a whole month and I'm super excited :) Next year I just have to decide earlier so I get cheaper tickets because both this year and last year, I decided way too late. I should've learned that I just can't stay away from there.. I love it and I love the americans way too much.
Friday, 27 April 2012
I have only been able to sleep 2,5 hours but I'm full of energy which is weird so I decided to write some about ginger :) Not sure how alert my brain is though as I started writing about garlic so had to take it all away. But now I don't understand why, I mean, I could've just written about garlic instead? Anyways, here it goes!
Ginger is antiemetic (works against vomiting and nausea) and are therefore really good for pregnant girls to consume during the first 4-5 months when the nausea tends to be worse. It is not really enough with eating just fresh ginger though but you could need it in a bit more concentrated form.
Ginger also stimulates saliva, gastric juices (which is great because that means better digestions as more enzymes gets produced) and increases the intestinal peristalsis (which pretty much means that the food goes through the intestines better).
It's also antibacterial, antifungal, stimulates the blood circulation for the whole body plus the smooth muscles (which also gives better digestion when it's better blood circulation in smooth muscles/glatt muskulatur), inhibits inflammation, lowers the cholesterol and much more!
Ginger is great to eat when you have a cold, the flu, are tired, cold (due to bad blood circulation so if you have cold feet and hands), have nausea (especially then morning sickness for pregnant women), week digestion etc.
You should not take ginger if you have gall stones though..
Ginger is one of those herbs that is well investigated. Most studies has shown a positive result (of what I've mentioned) but only a few showed no effect.
I bought concentrated ginger capsules on the herb course last week but I'd have to eat them for a while I think before I see major results but I think that I'm actually feeling better already!
Ginger is antiemetic (works against vomiting and nausea) and are therefore really good for pregnant girls to consume during the first 4-5 months when the nausea tends to be worse. It is not really enough with eating just fresh ginger though but you could need it in a bit more concentrated form.
Ginger also stimulates saliva, gastric juices (which is great because that means better digestions as more enzymes gets produced) and increases the intestinal peristalsis (which pretty much means that the food goes through the intestines better).
It's also antibacterial, antifungal, stimulates the blood circulation for the whole body plus the smooth muscles (which also gives better digestion when it's better blood circulation in smooth muscles/glatt muskulatur), inhibits inflammation, lowers the cholesterol and much more!
Ginger is great to eat when you have a cold, the flu, are tired, cold (due to bad blood circulation so if you have cold feet and hands), have nausea (especially then morning sickness for pregnant women), week digestion etc.
You should not take ginger if you have gall stones though..
Ginger is one of those herbs that is well investigated. Most studies has shown a positive result (of what I've mentioned) but only a few showed no effect.
I bought concentrated ginger capsules on the herb course last week but I'd have to eat them for a while I think before I see major results but I think that I'm actually feeling better already!
Thursday, 26 April 2012
I learned on the phytocourse that what we swedes call blueberries are actually what americans call bilberries and that blueberries are what we call american blueberries. So this post will be about bilberries which are the ones we have here in Sweden. But then bilberries and blueberries are pretty similar even though bilberries are healthier.
There are three main components in bilberries. They are anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins and they are all antioxidants.
It is the anthocyanins that gives the blue colour. Flavonoids are also giving colour and they make your immune system stronger and reduces inflammation (and much more). Tannins are antiseptics which means that they inhibits bacteria. There is a lot more you could say about these three and maybe I'll blog seperatly about them later.
Bilberries has a lot of antioxidants (as I mentioned), improves the vision, inhibits platelet collection and inhibits inflammation and allergies etc. They can help with allergies, bleedings due to weak blood vessels, painful menstrations, stomach problems etc.. However, fresh berries can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Bilberries also increases the dopamine levels in the brain.
I'm to lazy right now to look through my papers from school but they showed us a study that I think was about that bilberries and probiotics together lowers inflammation in the stomach.. I should look it up, it was really interesting!
Now to something that has nothing to do with bilberries - if you have time, you should watch this program that is about cancer and sugar (it's only the first 20ish minutes). VERY interesting!,a1364145,1,f,-1/pb,a1364142,1,f,-1/pl,v,,2781791/sb,p102815,1,f,-1
Otherwise, I got my exam result back yesterday and even though it was my worst result personally, it still went good so now all exams for this year are done, passed and now it's only 3 different projects left to do :) I hardly have any time left in school so the most of the time I'll be able to study from home which I'm happy about because I always learn more that way. And it gives more time over to do other things like working out, working and hanging out with friends.. I'm really considering doing most of what I have left on my education through distance courses. I found several courses I really want to take that are distance about physiology and other course that has to do with how the body works. Anyways, now I gotta go back to studying and read an article about obese kids :)
There are three main components in bilberries. They are anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins and they are all antioxidants.
It is the anthocyanins that gives the blue colour. Flavonoids are also giving colour and they make your immune system stronger and reduces inflammation (and much more). Tannins are antiseptics which means that they inhibits bacteria. There is a lot more you could say about these three and maybe I'll blog seperatly about them later.
Bilberries has a lot of antioxidants (as I mentioned), improves the vision, inhibits platelet collection and inhibits inflammation and allergies etc. They can help with allergies, bleedings due to weak blood vessels, painful menstrations, stomach problems etc.. However, fresh berries can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Bilberries also increases the dopamine levels in the brain.
I'm to lazy right now to look through my papers from school but they showed us a study that I think was about that bilberries and probiotics together lowers inflammation in the stomach.. I should look it up, it was really interesting!
Now to something that has nothing to do with bilberries - if you have time, you should watch this program that is about cancer and sugar (it's only the first 20ish minutes). VERY interesting!,a1364145,1,f,-1/pb,a1364142,1,f,-1/pl,v,,2781791/sb,p102815,1,f,-1
Otherwise, I got my exam result back yesterday and even though it was my worst result personally, it still went good so now all exams for this year are done, passed and now it's only 3 different projects left to do :) I hardly have any time left in school so the most of the time I'll be able to study from home which I'm happy about because I always learn more that way. And it gives more time over to do other things like working out, working and hanging out with friends.. I'm really considering doing most of what I have left on my education through distance courses. I found several courses I really want to take that are distance about physiology and other course that has to do with how the body works. Anyways, now I gotta go back to studying and read an article about obese kids :)
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Health links
Probiotic BLIS K12 may protect against oral yeast growth
Supplements containing the probiotic BLIS K12 ingredient may inhibit the growth of the yeast responsible for oral thrush, suggests new in vitro data that supports the oral health potential of the ingredient.
Multivitamin supplements boost brain function, say UK researchers
Taking a multivitamin supplement daily can improve cognitive performance in both children and adults, say UK researchers.
Acrylamide on the increase in certain baby foods, reports FSA
The levels of acrylamide is increasing in certain baby foods. However, on the whole levels of the potentially carcinogenic compound are falling in other products, according to a new report from the UK Food Standards Agency.
Fibre may protect against heart disease in women: Study
High-fibre foods may offer good protection against cardiovascular disease, with the effects particularly marked in women, say researchers.
Increased vitamin D intakes may reduce Alzheimer’s risk
People with higher intakes of vitamin D may be at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, but not other forms of dementia, suggests new data from France.
Dietary vitamin E better than supplements to battle cancer: Researchers
Dietary vitamin E in the form of gamma- and delta- tocopherol could be beneficial in battling and even reducing the risk of certain cancers, however the alpha- form commonly used in supplements has no such benefits, say researchers.
Cocoa products may offer fiber source for consumers
Fiber-rich cocoa products may help consumers hit recommended levels and improve their bowel habits, says a new study.
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