Tuesday 22 November 2011

Can't wait for christmas! - Pictures

Alex is excited to get decorated again


I feel so excited for this years christmas, almost like when I was a child.. I don't know why but it just feels so great! First of advent is now on sunday and then the countdown starts! We will have advent "fika" with the family 1st of advent and then 2nd me and a few of my friends are going to a Lucia concert in Uppsalas cathedral.. We are also going to a christmas market in Stockholm the 3rd of advent.

When I was a teenager I decorated my room as much as I could (or ludicrously much as I would say). The top picture is of some of the christmas decoration I used. Notice the fake snow in the window sills. I haven't done it in a few years but as I'm overflowing with christmas spirit this year, I think it's time to do it again this year! Now on saturday will be the day.

And people, don't forget WHY we celebrate christmas. I was surprised last year when I met so many people that didn't know why we celebrated it. For you who don't know - we celebrate that Jesus was born into this world to save us!

Sidenote.. I was looking through a lot of pictures from past christmas'... I love how my grandma has the same shirt on her every year :) And my dad has food in his mouth on all pictures :)

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