Wednesday 7 September 2011

What happened with all the freshmen pranks?

I have decided to not join on any more of our "nollnings"- weeks. I went on about half of them but I feel that I need the time for other things - like studying and napping.. I know, it sounds like I'm 2 years old.. But honestly, I've been so exhausted so a few naps has been essential for my survival, or thats how it feels like at least :) And I also don't want to fall behind when it comes to the studies.

Another reason is that there's so much drinking involved in these nollnings activites.. And as I don't drink at all and haven't for a few years and as I don't like places where the music is so load so you'd have to scream to hear each other, I've decided that I'll skip the rest. I wanted to go as much as possible to get to know the people in my class but now I've joined in a few activities and I'll ofcourse be able to get to know them more in school. I like my class and I look forward to spend more time with them but in other settings. The last nicer dinner will be in 1½ weeks but I will not be home that weekend anyways.

Today I feel like I don't have a life. I've been studying chemistry all day and still have a lot left that I want to go through before my next chemistry class tomorrow. 3 weeks and 2 days left till my first exam on uppsala university.

my life at the moment

I still need peoples numbers as I lost all my numbers when my old phone broke. So text me your name please if you haven't already or give me it on facebook.

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